Sunday, June 9, 2013

 Every Day With Jesus

Daily repetition is key for developing, growing and maturing the mind of the spirit.
The way I become skilled in my Scripture art design ministry is to do it everyday. If I'm a beginner graphic art designer and do it once a week for an hour I will never grow. First you have to learn how to navigate a computer than you have to learn how to use the different design software programs like PowerPoint or Proshow where you learn how to mix text with images.

If I do it once a week I will always be trying to figure out how to navigate the computer and the graphic design software programs and that takes a lot of practice, it can be very frustrating. I will never get it If I do it once a week for an hour. If i do it everyday I can get beyond the beginner stage. After weeks and months of learning and practicing every day it will be natural to do Scripture art.  I've done it so many times I don't have to try to figure it out how to do it, its just becomes second nature.

Same thing with almost any thing else, take for instance an new job. If you show up only once a week for an hour you will never make it. If you show up everyday, the first week you will start out learning your new job but after a while when you have repeated your duties and responsibilities every day it will become second nature. You will only get better as time goes by.

Same thing with the mind of the spirit, You have to spend everyday meeting up with Jesus in Prayer in the word where two or more are gathered together for fellowship. Its awesome what will happen to your life meeting up with Jesus everyday.

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